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Steel heating furnace equipment

Steel heating furnace equipment

We are a professional manufacturer of steel heating furnace equipment. Steel heating furnace equipment saves electricity and energy, small burning loss, high success rate of starting steel heating furnace equipment, stable operation, touch screen man-machine interface, flexible operation, high reliability, anti-interference Strong ability, tailor-made steel heating furnace equipment for you according to your process needs, welcome to inquire! Professional engineers provide you with free quotations for induction heating equipment, induction heat treatment equipment, induction hardening equipment, and induction heat treatment production lines.

Features of steel heating furnace equipment:

1. Power supply system: 100KW-4000KW/200Hz-8000HZ intelligent IGBT intermediate frequency power supply.

2. Fűtési fajták: szénacél, ötvözött acél, magas hőmérsékletű ötvözött acél, antimágneses acél, rozsdamentes acél, titán, alumíniumötvözet, rézötvözet stb.

3. Fő felhasználási terület: acéllemezek és -lapok diatermikus kovácsolására szolgál.

4. Feeding system: cylinder pushes material regularly

5. Speciálisan testreszabott ember-gép interfész, rendkívül felhasználóbarát kezelési utasítások.