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High temperature resistant mica board

High temperature resistant mica board

High temperature resistant mica board has excellent high temperature resistant insulation performance, Z high temperature resistant up to 1000 ℃, in high temperature resistant insulating materials, it has a good cost performance. It has excellent electrical insulation performance, and the voltage breakdown index of ordinary products is as high as 20KV/mm. It has excellent bending strength and processing performance. The product has high bending strength and excellent toughness. It can be used with lathes, milling machines, and drills. Processed into various special-shaped parts without layering.

A. Product overview

High temperature resistant mica board products are made by bonding, heating, and pressing mica paper and organic silica gel water. The mica content is about 90%, and the organic silica gel water content is 10%.

B. Karakteristik produk

1. HP-5 hard board, the product is silver-white, temperature resistance grade: 500 ℃ temperature resistance under continuous use conditions, 850 ℃ temperature resistance under intermittent use conditions.

2. HP-8 hardness gold plate, the product is golden, temperature resistance grade: temperature resistance 850 ℃ under continuous use conditions, 1050 ℃ temperature resistance under intermittent use conditions.

3. Kinerja isolasi tahan suhu tinggi yang sangat baik, ketahanan suhu tertinggi setinggi 1000 , dan memiliki kinerja biaya yang baik di antara bahan isolasi suhu tinggi.

4. Kinerja isolasi listrik yang sangat baik, dan indeks kerusakan tegangan produk biasa setinggi 20KV / mm.

5. Kekuatan lentur dan kinerja pemrosesan yang sangat baik. Produk ini memiliki kekuatan lentur yang tinggi dan ketangguhan yang sangat baik. Dapat diproses dalam berbagai bentuk tanpa delaminasi.

6. Kinerja lingkungan yang sangat baik, produk tidak mengandung asbes, memiliki lebih sedikit asap dan bau saat dipanaskan, bahkan tanpa asap dan tidak berasa.

7. HP-5 hard whiteboard is a high-strength plate-like material, which can still maintain its original performance under high temperature conditions.

C. Product application field

1. Peralatan rumah tangga: setrika listrik, pengering rambut, pemanggang roti, pembuat kopi, oven microwave, pemanas listrik, dll.

2. Industri metalurgi dan kimia: tungku frekuensi industri, tungku frekuensi menengah, tungku busur listrik, mesin cetak injeksi, dll. dalam industri metalurgi.