- 02
- Nov
Mmemme nchekwa ikuku na-achịkwa ụdị igbe ọkụ eletrik SDXL-1313 nkọwa zuru ezu
Mmemme nchekwa ikuku na-achịkwa ụdị igbe ọkụ eletrik SDXL-1313 nkọwa zuru ezu
SDXL-1313 mmemme nchekwa ikuku na-achịkwa ụdị igbe ọkụ eletrik na-arụ ọrụ arụmọrụ ::
■ Enwere ike ịbanye ya na gas na -emebi emebi ka arụ ọrụ ọkụ na -ekpo ọkụ dị elu agaghị emepụta decarburization oxidative.
■ Akwa-aluminom n’ime tank, silicon-carbon mkpara kpo oku, mpụta shei na-mere nke elu-edu mkpa mkpa efere, na elu na-efesa na plastic.
■Ngwaọrụ nwere oke ziri ezi, ihe ngosi ngosi bụ ogo 1, na izi ezi ruru gbakwunyere ma ọ bụ mwepu ogo 2 n’okpuru ọnọdụ okpomọkụ mgbe niile.
System Sistemụ njikwa na-anabata teknụzụ LTDE, yana ọrụ mmemme 30-band, nchedo ọkwa dị elu okpukpu abụọ.
The SDXL-1313 atmosphere protection program-controlled box-type electric furnace model is in accordance with the JB4311.7-91 standard of the national machinery industry. It adopts high-aluminum inner tank with good wear resistance. Programming control system, the shell of the electric furnace is made of high-quality cold plate and steel, and the shell is sprayed at high temperature. The back and front of the electric furnace are made with a specific manufacturing process. It has air inlet and outlet devices, which can pass in degradable gas so that high-temperature heating workpieces will not produce oxidation and decarburization , This electric furnace is suitable for other heat treatment processes such as high temperature annealing and tempering that require various gas protection. Thirty-segment microcomputer control with program, with powerful programming function, can control the heating rate, heating, constant temperature, multi-band curve arbitrarily set, optional software can be connected to the computer, monitor, record temperature data, making the test reproducibility possible. The instrument is equipped with electric shock, leakage protection system and secondary over-temperature automatic protection function to ensure the safety of the user and the instrument. If you need high-purity atmosphere protection, please choose our company’s vacuum atmosphere box furnace and vacuum box furnace according to your needs.
SDXL-1313 mmemme nchekwa ikuku-ụdị igbe eletrịkị nkọwa nkọwa:
Ọdịdị ọkụ na ihe
Ihe eji eme akwa ọkụ: A na-eji akwa oyi akwa dị elu eme ya, were nnu nnu ihe nkiri phosphoric acid gwọọ ya, wee fesa ya na oke okpomọkụ, na agba bụ isi awọ kọmputa;
Ihe ọkụ: ọkụ dị n’ime aluminom dị elu, nguzogide dị mma nke ọma, nnukwu ọkụ ọkụ dị elu na ala, akụkụ aka ekpe na n’akụkụ aka nri;
Usoro mkpuchi ọkụ: brik mkpuchi mkpuchi na owu mkpuchi mkpuchi;
Ọdụ mmiri tụọ okpomọkụ: The thermocouple na -abata site na azụ azụ nke ahụ ọkụ;
Ọnụ: Ebe oku na -ekpo ọkụ dị na ala azụ ọkụ ahụ;
Onye njikwa: dị n’okpuru ahụ ọkụ, sistemụ njikwa arụnyere, waya ịkwụ ụgwọ ejikọtara na ahụ ọkụ
Ihe na -ekpo ọkụ: mkpanaka carbide silicon;
Ibu igwe niile: ihe dịka 140KG
Nkwakọ ngwaahịa ọkọlọtọ: igbe osisi
Nkọwapụta Ngwaahịa
Oke okpomọkụ: 500 ~ 1300 ℃;
Ọkwa mgbanwe: ± 2 ℃;
Ngosipụta izizi: 1 ℃;
Ọkụ ọkụ: 250*150*100 MM
Akụkụ: 590*510*660 MM
Ọnụ ọkụ: ≤10 ° C/min; (enwere ike gbanwee ya na ọsọ ọ bụla na -erughị ogo 10 kwa nkeji)
Ike igwe: 4KW;
Isi iyi ike: 220V, 50Hz
Usoro njikwa okpomọkụ
Ihe nlele okpomọkụ: S index platinum rhodium-platinum thermocouple;
Sistemụ njikwa: LTDE ngwa mmemme akpaghị aka, mmezi PID, izizi ngosi 1 ℃
Ngwa eletriki zuru oke: jiri ndị na -akpọtụrụ ika, ndị na -akwado jụrụ oyi, ndị na -agbapụta steeti siri ike;
Usoro oge: enwere ike ịtọ oge kpo oku, njikwa oge okpomọkụ oge niile, mmechi akpaka mgbe ruru oge okpomọkụ oge niile;
Nchedo oke okpomoku: Ngwa nchedo oke ọkụ arụnyere n’ime, mkpuchi mkpuchi abụọ. Ebere
Ọnọdụ ọrụ: okpomọkụ na -agbanwe agbanwe oge niile maka oke zuru oke, ọrụ mgbe niile; ọrụ mmemme.
Ejiri ozi teknụzụ na ngwa
akwụkwọ ikike
Valvụ mmiri ikuku nwere isi ugboro abụọ, valvụ ikuku nwere isi otu
Isi ihe
Ngwa njikwa ihe mmemme LTDE
siri ike ala agba anọ
Usoro ọsọ ọsọ
Jụrụ moto
Silicon carbide mkpanaka
Ngwa ngwa: