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Program panyalindungan atmosfir-dikawasa kotak-tipe tungku listrik SDXL-1313 bubuka lengkep

Program panyalindungan atmosfir-dikawasa kotak-tipe tungku listrik SDXL-1313 bubuka lengkep

SDXL-1313 atmosfir panyalindungan program-dikawasa kotak-tipe tungku listrik ciri kinerja::

■ Éta tiasa diliwatan kana gas anu ngahinakeun supados bahan pemanasan suhu luhur moal ngahasilkeun dekarburisasi oksidatif

■High-aluminium tank jero, silikon-karbon pemanasan rod, cangkang luar dijieunna tina kualitas luhur pelat baja ipis, sarta beungeut geus disemprot ku plastik

■Instrumén ngabogaan akurasi tinggi, akurasi tampilan nyaéta 1 gelar, sarta akurasi nepi ka tambah atawa dikurangan 2 derajat dina kaayaan suhu konstan.

■ Sistem kontrol ngadopsi téknologi LTDE, kalayan fungsi 30-band anu tiasa diprogram, perlindungan tingkat-dua tingkat

The SDXL-1313 atmosphere protection program-controlled box-type electric furnace model is in accordance with the JB4311.7-91 standard of the national machinery industry. It adopts high-aluminum inner tank with good wear resistance. Programming control system, the shell of the electric furnace is made of high-quality cold plate and steel, and the shell is sprayed at high temperature. The back and front of the electric furnace are made with a specific manufacturing process. It has air inlet and outlet devices, which can pass in degradable gas so that high-temperature heating workpieces will not produce oxidation and decarburization , This electric furnace is suitable for other heat treatment processes such as high temperature annealing and tempering that require various gas protection. Thirty-segment microcomputer control with program, with powerful programming function, can control the heating rate, heating, constant temperature, multi-band curve arbitrarily set, optional software can be connected to the computer, monitor, record temperature data, making the test reproducibility possible. The instrument is equipped with electric shock, leakage protection system and secondary over-temperature automatic protection function to ensure the safety of the user and the instrument. If you need high-purity atmosphere protection, please choose our company’s vacuum atmosphere box furnace and vacuum box furnace according to your needs.


SDXL-1313 atmosfir panyalindungan program-dikawasa kotak-tipe rinci tungku listrik:

Struktur tungku sareng bahan

Bahan cangkang tungku: Cangkang kotak luar didamel tina piring tiis kualitas luhur, diubaran ku uyah pilem asam fosforat, sareng disemprot dina suhu luhur, sareng warnana abu komputer;

Bahan tungku: palapis jero-aluminium tinggi, résistansi maké anu saé, tungku suhu luhur luhur sareng ka handap, sisi kénca sareng katuhu panas;

Metoda insulasi termal: bata insulasi termal sareng katun insulasi termal;

Palabuhan pangukuran suhu: Térokopel asup tina beulah luhur awak tungku;

Terminal: Terminal kawat manaskeun perenahna di beulah handap awak tungku;

Controller: perenahna handapeun awak tungku, sistem kontrol bawaan, kawat kompénsasi dihubungkeun sareng awak tungku

Unsur pemanasan: rod silikon karbida;

Beurat mesin sakabeh: ngeunaan 140KG

Bungkusan baku: kotak kai

Spesifikasi produk

Kisaran suhu: 500 ~ 1300 ℃;

Gelar turun naek: ± 2 ℃;

Akurasi tampilan: 1 ℃;

Ukuran tungku: 250 * 150 * 100 MM

Diménsi: 590 * 510 * 660 MM

Laju pemanasan: ≤10 ° C / mnt; (tiasa diluyukeun sawenang-wenang kana kecepatan naon anu langkung handap tina 10 derajat per menit)

Kakuatan mesin: 4KW;

Sumber kakuatan: 220V, 50Hz

Sistem kontrol suhu

Pangukuran suhu: S indéks platinum rhodium-platinum thermocouple;

Sistem kontrol: LTDE instrumen anu tiasa diprogram sacara otomatis, pangaturan PID, tampilan akurasi 1 ℃

Sét lengkep panerapan listrik: nganggo kontaktor mérek, kipas tiis, relay kaayaan padet;

Sistem waktos: waktos pemanasan tiasa disetél, kontrol waktos suhu konstan, pareuman otomatis nalika waktos suhu konstan kahontal;

Perlindungan langkung-suhu: Alat panyalindungan suhu luhur sékundér, asuransi dobel. ;

Modeu operasi: hawa konstan adjustable pikeun rentang lengkep, operasi konstan; operasi program.

Dilengkepan inpormasi téknis sareng asesoris

Parentah Operasi

kartu jaminan

Klep inlet hawa anu dipingpin dua kali, klep outlet hawa hiji-sirah

komponén utama

Instrumen kontrol diprogram LTDE

relay kaayaan padet

relay panengah


Motor tiis

Batang karbida silikon

asesoris pilihan:
