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Piston rod quenching equipment

Piston rod quenching equipment

The complete set of piston rod quenching equipment mainly includes: intermediate frequency power supply, PLC control system, feeding rack, induction heating system, quenching system, discharge rack, receiving rack, and can also be matched according to the actual needs of customers: infrared thermometer, cooling system , Power transformers, etc.

Features of Piston Rod Quenching Equipment:

●Transmission roller table: the axis of the angle piece between the roller shaft and the work is 18 ~ 21°. The workpiece rotates and advances at a uniform speed with uniform heating. The furnace between the drums is 304 non-magnetic stainless steel water-cooled.

●Temperature closed-loop system: the hardening and tempering process adopts a closed-loop control system, with high precision temperature control by the American Leitai infrared thermometer and the German Siemens S7.

● Sistema informatico industriale: visualizzazione in tempo reale dello stato dei parametri di lavoro in quel momento e funzioni di memoria dei parametri del pezzo, archiviazione, stampa, visualizzazione dei guasti, allarme e così via.

● Fornire una console operativa remota con touch screen o sistema informatico industriale in base alle esigenze dell’utente.

● Interfaccia uomo-macchina appositamente personalizzata, istruzioni per l’uso estremamente intuitive.

●Piston rod quenching equipment has all-digital, high-depth adjustable parameters, allowing you to control the equipment handily.

● Sistema di gestione del grado rigoroso, perfetto sistema di ripristino a una chiave.

● Fornire il cambio di lingua corrispondente in base ai diversi paesi e regioni.

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