- 12
- Oct
What are the advantages of super audio induction heating equipment?
What are the advantages of super audio peralatan pemanasan induksi?
Advantages of super audio induction heating equipment
1. Adopt internationally famous Siemens IGBT power devices and unique inverter technology, 100% load continuity design, 24 hours operation at maximum power, high reliability guarantee.
2. Jinis kontrol otomatis bisa nyetel wektu dadi panas, tenaga panas, wektu nyekeli, nyekeli daya lan wektu adhem; bisa nambah kualitas produk dadi panas lan bisa mbaleni pemanasan, lan nyederhanakake teknologi operasi para pekerja.
3. Ringan, ukuran cilik, instalasi sederhana, cukup sambungake karo 380V pasokan listrik telung tahap, inlet banyu lan outlet, lan bisa rampung sawetara menit. 4. Ngenggoni wilayah sing sithik banget, gampang dioperasikake, lan bisa dingerteni sajrone sawetara menit.
5. Utamane aman, voltase output luwih murah tinimbang 36V, ngindhari bebaya kejut listrik kanthi voltase dhuwur.
6. The heating efficiency is as high as 90%, and the energy consumption is only 20%-30% of the high frequency of the old-fashioned electronic tube. There is almost no electricity in the standby state, and it can work continuously for 24 hours.
7. Sensor bisa cepet dibukak lan diganti kanthi bebas, lan dadi panas banget cepet nyuda deformasi oksidasi benda kerja.
8. Produk paling anyar sing ramah lingkungan sing ngganti oksigen, asetilena, batubara lan pemanas bahan bahaya liyane, nggawe produksi tanpa kobong terbuka luwih aman lan luwih aman.
9. The super audio frequency induction heating equipment has perfect automatic protection functions for over current, over pressure, over temperature, water shortage, and lack of water, and is equipped with a fault self-diagnosis and alarm system.
10. The machine’s super audio frequency induction heating equipment has the control effect of constant current and uniform motion output power, which greatly improves the entire heating process of metal materials, establishes high efficiency and rapid heating, and can fully mobilize the advantages of the product.