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Program pangayoman atmosfer-kontrol kothak-jinis tungku listrik SDXL-1030 rincian

Program pangayoman atmosfer-kontrol kothak-jinis tungku listrik SDXL-1030 rincian

SDXL-1030 karakteristik kinerja tungku listrik jinis-jinis proteksi atmosfer::

■ Iki bisa dilebokake menyang gas sing mudhun supaya bahan pemanasan suhu dhuwur ora bakal ngasilake dekarburisasi oksidatif

■ Kawat resistensi dadi panas ing kabeh pinggir, lan panas dadi panas. Nihan njaba digawe saka piring baja tipis sing berkualitas tinggi, lan permukaan disemprotake nganggo plastik.

■Instrumen nduweni akurasi dhuwur, akurasi tampilan 1 derajat, lan akurasi nganti plus utawa minus 2 derajat ing negara suhu pancet.

■ Sistem kontrol nggunakake teknologi LTDE, kanthi fungsi sing bisa diprogram 30-band, lan proteksi suhu over-level loro.

The SDXL-1030 atmosphere protection program-controlled box electric furnace model is in accordance with the national machinery industry JB4311.7-91 standard. The electric furnace has a LTDE programmable control system. The electric furnace shell is made of high-quality cold plate and steel. The production process has air inlet and outlet devices, which can pass in the degrading gas so that the high-temperature heating workpiece will not produce oxidative decarburization. This electric furnace is suitable for other high-temperature annealing, tempering and other heat treatment processes that require various gas protection. Thirty-segment microcomputer control with program, with powerful programming function, can control the heating rate, heating, constant temperature, multi-band curve arbitrarily set, optional software can be connected to the computer, monitor, record temperature data, making the test reproducibility possible. The instrument is equipped with electric shock, leakage protection system and secondary over-temperature automatic protection function to ensure the safety of the user and the instrument. This furnace is suitable for low-purity atmosphere protection experiments. If high-purity atmosphere protection is required, please choose our company’s vacuum atmosphere according to your needs. Chamber furnace and vacuum chamber furnace


SDXL-1016 program pangayoman atmosfer-kontrol kothak-jinis tungku rincian tungku listrik:

Struktur tungku lan bahan

Bahan cangkang tungku tungku: Cangkang kothak njaba digawe saka piring adhem bermutu, diolah nganggo uyah film asam fosforat, lan disemprotake ing suhu dhuwur, lan warnane abu-abu komputer;

Bahan tungku: pelapik njero aluminium dhuwur, resistensi nyandhang sing apik, tungku suhu dhuwur munggah lan mudhun, panas sisih kiwa lan tengen;

Cara insulasi termal: bata insulasi termal lan katun isolasi termal;

Port pangukuran suhu: thermocouple mlebu saka sisih ndhuwur mburi awak tungku;

Terminal: Terminal kawat pemanas ana ing sisih mburi ngisor tungku;

Controller: dununge ing ngisor tungku tungku, sistem kontrol internal, kawat ganti rugi sing disambung karo awak tungku

Elemen pemanas: kawat tahan suhu dhuwur;

Bobot mesin kabeh: udakara 180KG

Kemasan standar: kothak kayu

Spesifikasi Produk

1.1 Temperature range: 100 ~ 1000℃;

1.2 Fluctuation degree: ±2℃;

1.3 Display accuracy: 1℃;

1.4 Furnace size: 500*300*200 MM

1.5 Dimensions: 880*650*800 MM

1.6 Heating speed: ≤10℃/min; (any speed lower than 10 degrees per minute can be adjusted arbitrarily)

1.7 Overall power: 12 KW;

1.8 Sumber daya: 380V, 50Hz

Sistem kontrol suhu

Pangukuran suhu: Termokopel nikel-kromium-nikel-silikon indeks;

Sistem kontrol: LTDE instrumen sing bisa diprogram kanthi otomatis, pangaturan PID, akurasi tampilan 1 ℃

Piranti listrik lengkap: gunakake kontak merek, penggemar pendingin, relay negara solid;

Sistem wektu: wektu panas bisa disetel, kontrol wektu suhu sing tetep, mateni otomatis nalika tekan wektu suhu pancet;

Perlindhungan suhu-luwih: Piranti proteksi suhu over-sekunder internal, asuransi dobel. ;

Mode operasi: suhu pancet sing bisa disetel kanggo sawetara, operasi tetep; operasi program.

Dilengkapi informasi teknis lan aksesoris

Pandhuan Operasi

kertu babar pisan

Katup inlet udara kanthi endhas, katup outlet udara tunggal

Komponen utama

Instrumen kontrol sing bisa diprogram LTDE

relay negara solid

Penengah relay


Motor adhem

Kawat pemanasan suhu dhuwur

Aksesoris opsional:
