- 07
- Dec
Necessary conditions for selecting furnace lining materials
Necessary conditions for selecting furnace lining materials
What are the necessary conditions for selecting furnace lining materials based on many years of practical operating experience? Answer:
1. First of all, the lining material does not deform or melt at a sufficient temperature.
2. Bisa duwe kekuatan struktural perlu ing suhu dhuwur tanpa ewah-ewahan bentuk softening
3. Volume kudu stabil ing suhu dhuwur, supaya ora nggedhekake lan nyusut nyebabake retak
4. Nalika suhu owah-owahan banget utawa dadi panas ora rata, iku ora bakal kokain lan pil mati
5. Bisa nolak serangan kimia saka solusi logam, slag lan gas tungku