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KGPS IF karakteristik sumber daya

KGPS IF karakteristik sumber daya

KGPS intermediate frequency power supply is a thyristor intermediate frequency power supply, which is a kind of stop frequency conversion equipment, which uses thyristor components to change the three-phase industrial frequency power supply into a single-phase intermediate frequency power supply. This equipment has strong adaptability to various loads and a wide range of applications. It is mainly used for smelting, heat preservation, sintering, welding, quenching, tempering, diathermy, metal liquid purification, heat treatment, pipe bending, and crystal growth of various metals. .


Peralatan IF nduweni karakteristik ing ngisor iki:


1. Kabinet sumber daya digawe saka piring baja sing digulung kadhemen lan disemprotake karo plastik, lan komponen kasebut cukup, sing trep kanggo peralatan, debugging lan pangopènan. Cara cooling yaiku hawa-cooled utawa banyu-cooled.


2. Jembatan penyearah (tabung KP) lan jembatan inverter (tabung KK) kabeh dipilih thyristor sing apik banget, lan peralatan sirkuit kontrol dipilih kanthi komponen sing apik banget, sing ndadekake peralatan kasebut bisa dipercaya lan stabil.


3. The control core of this equipment is divided into two categories, namely, the most advanced constant power control panel in China is used for sweep frequency start (2.6, 3200 and 3206 series intermediate frequency equipment) and the zero-start control panel (2.7 and 2.8 series intermediate frequency equipment) During the entire starting process, the frequency conditioning system and the current conditioning system track the load changes over time, completing the more ambitious closed-loop soft start. This starting method has a small impact on the thyristor and is beneficial to extend the useful life of the thyristor. At the same time, it also has the advantage of simple starting for light and heavy loads.


4. Aktif nyetel daya output sak operasi, supaya peralatan tansah ing kondisi apa daya output maksimum. Utamane kanggo acara peleburan, kacepetan peleburan kanthi efektif ditingkatake.


5. Ora perlu personil tugas khusus. Operasi saka peralatan iki arang banget prasaja. Mung ana siji saklar daya lan siji tombol pangaturan daya. Sawise miwiti, anggere tombol daya diuripake menyang maksimum, peralatan bakal njupuk inisiatif kanggo nindakake liyane. Nalika pawon dumadakan mundhak materi, Peralatan bakal aktif nyetel daya, lan ora bakal nuduhake fénoména undesirable saka liwat-saiki lan liwat-voltase mati ngalih ndhuwur.


6. Amarga kacepetan smelting luwih cepet lan efficiency termal dhuwur, produksi unit wis apik, lan umume ora nuduhake kondisi kerja mati-mati saiki, lan kabeh bisa ing voltase output DC paling dhuwur (rectified a = 00), dadi faktor daya input saka peralatan iki dhuwur, nganti 0.94, supaya ana keuntungan ekonomi luwih pinunjul. Daya output rata-rata bisa ditambah 10-20%, siklus leleh bisa dikurangi dadi 2/3 saka asline, output unit bisa ditambah 1.5 kali, lan konsumsi listrik bisa disimpen luwih saka 10%.


  1. Sirkuit proteksi saka peralatan iki sampurna, supaya komponen thyristor tansah operasi ing sawetara aman, umur urip Ngartekno lengkap, lan tingkat karusakan wis suda banget.
