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Features of rebar heating furnace

Features of rebar heating furnace:

1. Adopting the newly developed network-type induction heating power control of Yuantuo, which has strong adaptive ability, low power consumption and obvious energy-saving effect.

2. Kacepetan pemanasan cepet, efisiensi produksi dhuwur, kurang oksidasi lan dekarburisasi ing permukaan benda kerja, nyimpen bahan mentah.

3. Tingkat mekanisasi lan otomatisasi sing dhuwur, pelacakan otomatis konversi frekuensi, adaptif beban variabel, pangaturan daya otomatis, lan liya-liyane, kanthi “wiwitan siji-tombol”, kanthi otomatis ngrampungake karya pemanasan, tanpa personel sing tugas, lan saestu nyadari induksi cerdas otomatis dadi panas.

4. Temperature closed-loop control system: Infrared thermometer measures the heating temperature of the blank at the exit of the tungku dadi pemanasan, and displays the heating temperature of the workpiece in real time. The qualified rate of finished products is high, which ensures the consistency of product quality.