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Solusi kanggo operasi sing ora stabil saka chiller sing adhem banyu ing mangsa panas

Solution to unstable operation of water-cooled Chiller nalika musim panas

The first point is that the cooling tower must meet actual needs.

Since the power of the cooling water tower and the water-cooled chiller must match, when purchasing a cooling water tower for the chiller, we must consider all aspects and choose the most suitable size and specification of the cooling water tower.

The second point is to ensure that the cooling water tower is placed higher than the main body of the water-cooled chiller.

Mung kanthi mesthekake yen menara banyu cooling diselehake luwih dhuwur tinimbang inang chiller banyu-digawe adhem, bisa banyu cooling menara cooling duwe inersia nalika mili menyang host chiller, lan menara banyu cooling diselehake ing panggonan kang dhuwur, kang. uga ing baris karo boros panas, ventilasi, lan dikarepake nyata kanggo cooling.

Kaping telu yaiku milih sing gedhe utawa ora cilik.

The cooling water tower that is higher than the actual heat output of the water-cooled chiller should be selected to ensure that the cooling water tower meets the heat dissipation requirements of the water-cooled chiller.

Kajaba iku, kudu dingerteni manawa chiller sing digawe adhem banyu gumantung ing kabeh sistem pendinginan banyu kanggo ngilangi panas, ora mung menara pendinginan. Mulane, ora mung spesifikasi lan kekuwatan menara pendinginan sing kudu dipesthekake, nanging uga aspek liyane sing kudu ditindakake kanggo mesthekake boros panas lan ventilasi.