- 05
- May
Kepiye carane nggawe kabel sing digawe adhem banyu kanggo tungku peleburan induksi?
How to make water-cooled cables for induction melting furnaces?
The joint of the water-cooled cable of the induction melting furnace is crimped with the copper stranded wire by a cold pressing forming process. The outer casing of the water-cooled cable adopts a special high-strength rubber tube and is equipped with an anti-scalding sheath. It can withstand 0.5Mpa water pressure without leakage or rupture, and issue a 4-hour water pressure test report when leaving the factory.
Kabel sing digawe adhem banyu saka tungku lebur induksi kudu dilengkapi krenjang transisi busur bunder. Sajrone operasi awak pawon, transisi busur bunder gedhe saka kabel bisa nyegah kedadeyan blockage, lan bisa nyuda pasukan tambahan nalika ngowahi. Kabel kasebut kudu gampang diganti, lan alat khusus kudu diwenehake kanggo nindakake torsi. Posisi kabel kudu cukup lan dilindhungi kanthi apik kanggo nyegah karusakan ing kabel sing disebabake bocor baja utawa kebanjiran baja molten.
Saben banyu pendingin kabel plus piranti pangukur suhu bisa ditampilake ing layar komputer lan nduweni fungsi weker.