- 19
- May
Cara milih piranti ngurutake discharge saka tungku pemanasan induksi?
How to choose the discharge sorting device of the tungku dadi pemanasan?
1. The composition of the discharge sorting device of the induction heating furnace:
Piranti ngurutake tungku pemanasan induksi kalebu termometer inframerah, braket termometer inframerah, layar tampilan suhu, mekanisme silinder, dial sorting, sorting slide, mekanisme kontrol PLC, pigura bahan suhu dhuwur lan kurang lan sistem sirkuit gas, lan liya-liyane.
2. Prinsip piranti ngurutake tungku pemanasan induksi:
Piranti ngurutake tungku pemanasan induksi dipasang ing stopkontak tungku induksi kanggo ngukur suhu kosong sing metu saka tungku pemanasan induksi. Titik cahya infra merah tekan kosong sing digawe panas, lan bakal ngasilake sinyal menyang thermometer, sing bakal diowahi dadi sinyal digital lan ditampilake ing layar, supaya bisa nggayuh tujuan pangukuran suhu.
Billet sing digawe panas dipanasake ing tungku pemanasan induksi, ngliwati port discharge, lan mlebu ing piranti conveying. Ing wektu iki, thermometer digunakake kanggo ngukur suhu materi, lan sinyal kasebut dikirim menyang kothak kontrol PLC. Ing wektu iki, piranti ngurutake instruksi silinder kanggo tumindak miturut sinyal. Path saka materi sing dibutuhake, tumindak iki mbaleni dhewe ing siklus otomatis. Ing prinsip kerja sirkulasi kasebut, materi kasebut dipérang dadi telung bagéan: suhu dhuwur, suhu normal lan kurang.
The temperature sorting device of the induction heating furnace also has a temperature sorting function. The temperature signal collected by the thermometer is fed back to the temperature sorting device. The temperature sorting device will generally set three actions according to the temperature. The blank temperature meets the process requirements. The sorting dial does not move quickly, and the heated blank passes normally and enters the forging station; the temperature of the blank is too high, and the cylinder drives the sorting dial to move quickly, so that the heated blank enters the high temperature channel and slides into the high temperature material frame; the blank temperature is too low, The cylinder drives the quick action of the sorting dial, so that the heated blank enters the low temperature channel and slides into the low temperature material frame.
Pangukuran suhu lan telung cara ngurutake piranti ngurutake suhu tungku pemanasan induksi umume diarani suhu telung ngurutake tungku induksi ing industri.