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Influence of Melting Temperature on Ramming Material of Induction Melting Furnace

Influence of Melting Temperature on Ramming Material of ಇಂಡಕ್ಷನ್ ಮೆಲ್ಟಿಂಗ್ ಫರ್ನೇಸ್

While controlling the excessively high smelting temperature, do not have a long-term high temperature or heat preservation waiting for casting. Excessive temperature will not only cause the alloy to burn, but also damage the furnace wall, and at the same time, the energy consumption will increase the influence of the smelting material: rigid The wall of the ramming material has not been completely sintered. The first few furnaces should use relatively clean metal materials, and try to avoid materials with complex composition, rust and oil, especially oil-impregnated scrap iron. The material with low melting point and good fluidity will increase the penetration of the furnace wall.