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Epoxy fiberglass tube

Epoxy fiberglass tube

A. Danasîna hilberê

The epoxy glass fiber tube manufacturer is made of electrical alkali-free glass fiber cloth impregnated with epoxy glass fiber tube, and processed by baking and hot pressing in a forming mold. The cross-section is a round rod. The glass cloth rod has a high mechanical performance. Dielectric properties and good machinability. The heat resistance grade can be divided into B grade (130 degrees) F grade (155 degrees) H grade (180 degrees) and C grade (above 180 degrees). It is suitable for insulating structural parts in electrical equipment, and can be used in damp environment and transformer oil.

The surface of the product should be flat and smooth, free of bubbles, oil stains and impurities. Color unevenness, scratches, and slight height inequality that do not hinder the use are allowed. The laminated glass cloth rod with a diameter of more than 25mm is allowed to have cracks on the end or section that do not hinder the use. .

B. Technical indicators

Heat resistance level B
Asta îdarî Q/XJ360-2000
Jiyanê Shelf 40℃ The following 18 months
Features It has high mechanical properties and excellent electrical properties, moisture-proof and heat-resistant.
Bikaranîn Suitable for parts of high-voltage electrical appliances, dry-type transformer skeletons, etc.;


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