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Firna berxwedana fiber ya teserûfa enerjiyê SD3-4-16 danasîna berfireh

Firna berxwedana fiber ya teserûfa enerjiyê SD3-4-16 danasîna berfireh

Taybetmendiyên performansa teserûfa enerjiyê firna berxwedana fiber SD3-4-16:

■Energy saving and high efficiency, silicon molybdenum rod heating

■High precision, the error is “1” at a high temperature of 1000 degrees

■Silicon molybdenum rod heating, integrated production, no need to install, you can use

■The control system adopts LTDE technology with 40-band programmable function and two-level over-temperature protection.

■ Giranî 70% ji sobeya elektrîkê ya kevneşopî siviktir e, xuyang piçûktir e, mezinahiya jûreya xebatê mezin e, û heman mezinahiya derveyî 50% ji mezinahiya xebatê ya sobeya elektrîkê ya kevneşopî mezintir e

This energy-saving fiber resistance furnace (ceramic fiber muffle furnace) uses a ceramic fiber liner, silicon molybdenum rods for heating, energy saving and high efficiency. The energy consumption is one-third of the ordinary high-temperature furnace and one-fifth of the weight. Three times of energy-saving fiber resistance furnace (speed adjustable). The integrated production solves the tedious preparation work of the original energy-saving fiber resistance furnace, installation, connection, and debugging. Just turn on the power to work. The control system adopts LTDE technology, automatic intelligent control, with 40-segment programming, curve heating, automatic constant temperature, automatic shutdown, and PID function to ensure the correct temperature of a certain point. It is an ideal high-temperature furnace for universities, research institutes, industrial and mining enterprises, and laboratories;

Hûrguliyên sobeya berxwedanê ya fiber-ê ya teserûfa enerjiya SD3-4-16:

Avahî û materyalên sobeyê

Furnace shell material: The outer box shell is made of high-quality cold plate, treated with phosphoric acid film salt, and sprayed at high temperature, and the color is blue-gray;

Materyalê firnê: Ew ji tîrêjên bilind-tîrêjê, depoya kêm-germ û şebeqê sobeya fîberê ya ultra-sivik, ku ji sar û germa bilez berxwedêr e, û xilaskirina enerjiyê û bikêrhatî ye, ji şeş alî tê çêkirin.

Insulation method: the inner layer of fiber cotton blanket keeps warm, the outer layer of air dissipates heat;

Porta pîvana germahiyê: termokop ji paşiya jorîn a laşê firnê tê;

Wiring post: posta germkirinê ya hêmana germkirinê li paşiya jêrîn a laşê firnê ye;

Kontrolker: di binê laşê firnê de ye, pergala kontrolê ya çêkirî, têla tezmînatê ku bi laşê firnê ve girêdayî ye

Heating element: silicon molybdenum rod;

Giraniya tevahiya makîneyê: nêzîkî 80KG

Pakkirina standard: qutiya darîn

Specification Product

Rêjeya germê: 500 ~ 1600 ℃;

Dereca guherînê: ± 3 ℃;

Rastiya xuyangê: 1 ℃;

Mezinahiya firnê: 200 × 150 × 150 MM

Approximate dimensions: 650*650*900 MM

Rêjeya germkirinê: -30 ° C/min; (dikare bi keyfî li her leza ku ji deqeyê ji 30 pile kêmtir e were sererast kirin)

Hêza makîneyê: 4KW;

Çavkaniya hêzê: 220V, 50Hz

Pergala kontrola germê

Temperature measurement: S double platinum rhodium-platinum thermocouple;

Control system: fully automatic programmable instrument, PID adjustment, display accuracy 1℃

Complete set of electrical appliances: use brand contactors, cooling fans, thyristors;

Sîstema demjimêr: Dema germkirinê dikare were danîn, kontrolkirina demjimêra germahiya domdar, girtina otomatîkî dema ku dema germahiya domdar tê gihîştin;

Program band: programmable 40 segments;

Modeêwaza xebitandinê: germahiya domdar a verastkirî ji bo tevahiya dorê, xebata domdar; operasyona bernameyê.

Bi agahdariya teknîkî û aksesûaran ve hatî xemilandin

Rêbernameya Operasyonê

karta ermanî

Pêkhateyên sereke

Amûra kontrolê ya bernameya LTDE

relay dewleta hişk

Intermediate relay


Motora sarbûnê

Silicon molybdenum rod