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Rebar Hot Rolling Heating Production Line

Rebar Hot Rolling Heating Production Line

Work flow of rebar heating production line:

The workpiece is placed on the storage rack → automatic feeding device feeding → the nip roll feeding device in front of the furnace → heating in the furnace → the nip roll is discharged quickly → infrared temperature measurement and temperature control → enter the rolling mill

Technical parameters of rebar heating production line:

1. Pergala dabînkirina hêzê: IGBT500KW-IGBT2000KW.

2. Hilberîna saetê ya alavên: 2-16 ton.

3. Inductor design for rebar heating production line: variable turn pitch, temperature gradient design, high production efficiency.

4. Rolika zextê ya guhezbar a elastîk: perçeyên xebatê yên pîvazên cihêreng dikarin bi lezek yekgirtî werin xwarin. Tabloya gerok û pêlika zextê ya di navbera laşên firnê de ji polayê zengarnegir 304 ne-magnetîk û bi avê têne sar kirin.

5. Pîvana germahiya infrasor: Amûrek pîvandina germahiya infrasor li dawiya dakêşanê tê saz kirin da ku germahiya xebata metalê lihevhatî bike berî ku bikeve nav kargehê.

6. Veguherîna enerjiyê: germkirina ø25mm~ø52mm heta 1000℃, mezaxtina hêzê 260 ~ 280 derece.

7. Pergala kontrolkirina dîmendera desta aqilmend a otomatîkî ya pêwendiya mirov-makîne PLC, rêwerzên xebitandinê yên pir bikarhêner-heval.

8. The all-digital, high-depth adjustable parameters of the rebar hot-rolling heating production line allow you to control the induction heating equipment handily.

9. Strict grade management system for metal heating equipment and perfect one-key restoration system.

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