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Qada alavên qutkirina frekansa bilind çi ye?

What is the scope of alavên vemirandina frekansa bilind?

1. Vemirandina beşên cûrbecûr yên pîşesaziya elektromekanîkî, bi giranî girêkên metal, motor, gemar, şaft, aksesûarên oto û motorsîkletan, hwd. Piştî ku ev beş bi induction hişk dibin, mîkrostruktur û taybetmendiyên çêtir dikarin werin bidestxistin, hêz û serhişkî zêde dibe, û sepandin xurtir e.

2. The toy industry, such as the thin metal sheet of the car toy clockwork, requires a tempering process operation. Through high-frequency equipment operation, the tissue stability is improved, so that these toys no longer undergo tissue transformation during use, so that the workpiece geometry and performance remain stable.

3. Spectacle frames and spare parts are welded and annealed. You must not have imagined that the glasses frames you usually carry are welded by high-frequency quenching equipment?! By induction heating welding, the welding effect can be better, no traces can be seen on the surface, and the usability is durable.

Amûrên qutkirina frekansa bilind ne tenê di van qadan de têne bikar anîn, gelek hene, û bêtir fonksiyonên ku hîn nehatine keşfkirin hene.