- 04
- Nov
Insulation column for induction furnace
Insulation column for induction furnace
It is made of high-strength aramid fiber and glass fiber impregnated with epoxy resin matrix after high temperature pultrusion. It has the characteristics of super high strength, excellent wear resistance, acid and alkali resistance, corrosion resistance and other excellent high temperature resistance. The products are suitable for high-voltage electrical appliances such as electrolytic aluminum plants, steel plants, high-temperature metallurgical equipment, UHV electrical equipment, aerospace fields, transformers, capacitors, reactors, high-voltage switches, etc.
The insulation column of the induction furnace is made of high-strength aramid fiber and glass fiber impregnated with epoxy resin matrix after high temperature pultrusion. It has the characteristics of super high strength, excellent wear resistance, acid and alkali resistance, corrosion resistance and other excellent high temperature resistance. Products are suitable for electrolytic aluminum plants, steel plants, high-temperature metallurgical equipment, ultra-high voltage electrical equipment, aerospace fields, transformers, capacitors, reactors, high-voltage switches and other high-voltage electrical appliances.
1. Ji ber pişkiya domdar a fiber aramîd û fîberê cam, hilber li hember zexta mekanîkî û tansiyona mekanîkî berxwedanek hêja heye. Hêza wê ya tîrêjê digihîje 1500MPa, ku ji hêza tansiyonê ya pola 45-ê ya rastîn, ku 570Mpa ye, pir zêdetir e. Performansa elektrîkê ya hêja, li hember rêjeya voltaja 10kV-1000kV rêza voltaja radiweste. Berxwedana korozyonê ya bihêz, hêza berbiçûk a bilind, nehêsandî, karanîna hêsan û hwd.
2. Germahiya xebatê ya demdirêj a destûrê ya 170-210 is ye; herî zêde germahiya xebatê ya çerxa kurt a hilberê 260 ℃ (kêmtir ji 5 hûrdeman) e.
3. Ji ber karanîna ajansa serbestberdana qalîteya bilind, rûyê hilberê bi rengek bêkêmasî, bê cûdahiya reng, bêyî birrîn, û bê çirûsk tê garantî kirin.
4. Pîvana berxwedana germê û pola insulasyonê ya hilberê digihîje pola H.