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Copper rod forging heating furnace

Copper rod forging heating furnace

Technical parameters of copper rod forging heating furnace

Heating copper rod diameter: 20~150 mm

Heating copper rod length: 2~20m

Стандарттуу эмес профессионалдуу ыңгайлаштыруу

Кубаттуулугу: 80-5000 киловатт

Special advantages of copper rod forging heating furnace:

1. The copper rod forging heating furnace has simple operation, flexible feeding and unloading, and a high degree of automation.

2. Copper rod forging heating furnace has fast heating speed, less oxide layer and good quality.

3. Accurately control the length, speed and temperature of the workpiece.

4. Uniform heating of the workpiece; the temperature difference from the surface to the core is very small; the degree of control is high.

5. According to your specific requirements, customize the inductor of the copper rod forging heating furnace for design and production.

6. The whole series of energy-saving optimization design: low energy consumption and high thermal efficiency.

7. жалгыз электр менен жабдуунун күчү 50-6000KW, ал эми жыштыгы 200-10000Hz болуп саналат.