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Rectangular square tube quenching and tempering equipment I heard that this one is good!

Rectangular square tube quenching and tempering equipment I heard that this one is good!

Rectangular square tube quenching and tempering equipment is recommended by good manufacturers-Luoyang Songdao Induction Heating Technology Co., Ltd., with more than 20 years of experience in the production of rectangular square tube quenching and tempering equipment, unique performance, manufacturing process, high technical content, steel bar heating furnace, steel bar Heat treatment furnace, steel tube quenching furnace, steel tube heat treatment production line, billet heating furnace, rectangular tube quenching heat treatment equipment, square steel quenching and tempering production line, rebar heat treatment furnace and other products, with superior quality and performance, and reasonable prices.

The working process of the mechanical system of the rectangular square tube quenching and tempering equipment:

Crane crane → ເວທີການເກັບຮັກສາ → ກົນໄກການໃຫ້ອາຫານອັດຕະໂນມັດ → ລະບົບຕາຕະລາງ roller ໃຫ້ອາຫານ → quenching induction heating system → infrared ອຸປະກອນວັດແທກອຸນຫະພູມ infrared → discharge roller table → spray quenching system → quenching completion → tempering conveying system → tempering induction heating system → infrared temperature ອຸປະກອນວັດແທກ → ຕາຕະລາງ roller discharge → ກົນໄກວັດສະດຸເຮັດຄວາມເຢັນ→ຮັບ rack


Advantages of rectangular square tube quenching and tempering equipment:

1. ມັນຮັບຮອງເອົາໃຫມ່ IGBT ການຄວບຄຸມການສະຫນອງຄວາມຮ້ອນ induction induction ອາກາດເຢັນ, ການບໍລິໂພກພະລັງງານຕ່ໍາ, ການປະຫຍັດພະລັງງານແລະການປົກປັກຮັກສາສິ່ງແວດລ້ອມ, ແລະປະສິດທິພາບການຜະລິດສູງ.

2. The rectangular square tube quenching and tempering equipment designed by Yuantuo adopts V-shaped rollers arranged diagonally in the transmission design to reduce radial runout.

3. ຄວາມໄວຄວາມຮ້ອນໄວ, ການຜຸພັງຂອງພື້ນຜິວຫນ້ອຍ, ຂະບວນການ quenching ແລະ tempering ໃນຂະບວນການໃຫ້ຄວາມຮ້ອນຫມຸນ, ແລະເຫຼັກມີຊື່ດີແລະບໍ່ມີການງໍຫຼັງຈາກ quenching ແລະ tempering.

4. ຫຼັງຈາກການປິ່ນປົວຄວາມຮ້ອນ, workpiece ມີຄວາມສອດຄ່ອງຂອງຄວາມແຂງສູງທີ່ສຸດ, ເອກະພາບຂອງໂຄງສ້າງຈຸນລະພາກ, ຄວາມທົນທານສູງທີ່ສຸດແລະຄວາມເຂັ້ມແຂງຜົນກະທົບ.

5. The PLC touch screen control system of the rectangular square tube quenching and tempering equipment can record and save all the process parameters of induction hardening and tempering of the workpiece, which is convenient for you to view the historical records in the future.