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Fampidirana an-tsokosoko karazana karazana fatana elektrika SDL-1230 amin’ny alàlan’ny programa

Fampidirana an-tsokosoko karazana karazana fatana elektrika SDL-1230 amin’ny alàlan’ny programa

Toetra mampiavaka ny lafaoro herinaratra karazana boaty SDL-1230:

■ Taratasy anatiny avo-aliminioma, fanoherana azo anaovan-tena, tariby fanafanana hafanana avo indrindra amin’ny degre 1000 sy 1200 degre, fanafanana amin’ny lafiny rehetra, fitoviana tsara,

■SDL-1230 program-controlled box-type electric furnace is made of stainless steel on the inside of the door and the panel of the box body. The outer shell is made of high-quality thin steel plate, and the surface is sprayed with plastic, integrated production

■The program-controlled box-type electric furnace SDL-1230 has high accuracy, and the display accuracy is 1 degree. In the constant temperature state, the accuracy is up to plus or minus 1 degree.

■ Ny rafitra fanaraha-maso dia mandray ny teknolojia LTDE, miaraka amina fampiasa programme 30-bandy, ary fiarovana avo roa heny amin’ny ambaratonga roa.

SDL-1230 program-controlled box-type electric furnace is used in various industrial and mining enterprises, colleges and universities, scientific research units for element analysis, small steel parts quenching, annealing, and heating during tempering. It can also be used for sintering, dissolution, analysis of metals and ceramics, etc. For high temperature heating. The cabinet has a new and beautiful design, with a matte spray coating. The inner side of the furnace door and the cabinet opening panel are made of high-quality stainless steel to ensure that the instrument is durable. Thirty-segment microcomputer control with program, with powerful programming function, can control the heating rate, heating, constant temperature, multi-band curve arbitrarily set, optional software can be connected to the computer, monitor, record temperature data, making the test reproducibility possible. The program-controlled box-type electric furnace SDL-1230 is equipped with electric shock, leakage protection system and secondary over-temperature automatic protection function to ensure the safety of users and instruments


Fampahalalana momba ny fatana elektrika SDL-1230 voafehy voafaritra amin’ny boaty:

Ny firafitry ny vatana lafaoro SDL-1230

Fitaovana akorany vita amin’ny lafaoro: vita amin’ny takelaka mangatsiaka avo lenta ny akorandriaka ivelany, tsaboina amin’ny sira an-tsarimihetsika asidra phosorosiana, ary atifotra amin’ny hafanana ambony, ary volondavenona ny lokony;

Fitaovana lafaoro: liner anatiny be aliminioma, fanoherana tsara anaovanina, lafaoro hafanana ambony miakatra sy midina, hafana sy sisiny havia sy havanana;

Fomba fanamafisam-peo mafana: biriky fandotoana hafanana sy landihazo fisorohana hafanana;

Seranan-tsambo fandrefesana ny mari-pana: Ny thermocouple dia miditra avy any ambadika any ambony amin’ny fatana fandoroana;

Terminal: Ny fantson’ny tariby fanafanana dia eo amin’ny vodiny ambany amin’ny vatan’ny lafaoro;

Controller: miorina eo ambanin’ny fatana fatana, rafitra fanaraha-maso anatiny, tariby fanonerana mifandraika amin’ny vatan’ny lafaoro

Singa fanafanana: tariby fanoherana ny hafanana avo;

Milanja manontolo: manodidina ny 220KG

Fonosana mahazatra: boaty hazo

Parameter teknika vokatra SDL-1230

Temperature range: 100 ~ 1200 ℃;

Diplaoma miovaova: ± 2 ℃;

Fahamarinana mampiseho: 1 ℃

Refy: 790 * 650 * 800 MM

Furnace size: 500*300*200 MM;

Tahan’ny fanafanana: ≤10 ° C / min; (azo ahitsy arakaraka ny hafainganam-pandeha ambany noho ny 10 degre isa-minitra)

Herin’ny milina iray manontolo: 12KW;

Loharanon-kery: 380V, 50Hz;

SDL-1230 Rafitra fanaraha-maso ny mari-pana ho an’ny fatana elektrika boaty azo soratana

Famarana ny maripana: s index platinum rhodium-platinum thermocouple;

Rafitra fanaraha-maso: fitaovana LTDE azo soloina mandeha ho azy tanteraka, fanitsiana PID, fampisehoana marina 1 ℃

Fitaovana mandeha amin’ny herinaratra feno: mampiasa contactors marika, mpankafy fampangatsiahana, relay fanjakana mafy orina;

Rafitra ora: azo apetraka ny ora fanafanana, ny fanaraha-maso ny mari-pana tsy tapaka, ny fanakatonana ho azy rehefa tonga ny fotoana mari-pana tsy tapaka;

Fiarovana amin’ny hafanana be loatra: fitaovam-piarovana miaro amin’ny mari-pana ambony faharoa, fiantohana indroa. ;

Fomba fiasa: mari-pana tsy miovaova ho an’ny faritra feno, fandidiana tsy tapaka; fandidiana programa.

Ny angona teknika sy ny kojakoja ho an’ny lafaoro herinaratra mifono baoritra voafantina boaty ho an’ny programa SDL-1230

Operating Instructions

karatra fiantohana

Ireo singa lehibe amin’ny fatana elektrika karazana boaty SDL-1230

Fitaovana fanaraha-maso azo zahana LTDE

relay mafy orina

Relem intermediate


Motera milamina

Tariby fanafanana hafanana avo