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What are the details that should be paid attention to when using high-temperature laboratory electric furnace?

What are the details that should be paid attention to when using high-temperature laboratory electric furnace?

1. The heating of the high-temperature laboratory electric furnace must be done slowly by gradually increasing the voltage. Be careful not to exceed the safe temperature, so as not to burn the heating wire.

2. It is not advisable to put acids or alkaline chemicals or strong oxidants in the furnace of the high-temperature laboratory electric furnace, and it is not allowed to burn articles with explosion hazards in the furnace. When putting materials into the furnace, do not touch the thermocouple, because the hot end of the thermocouple that extends into the furnace is easy to break at high temperatures.

3. Металл болон бусад ашигт малтмалыг өндөр температурт зууханд халаахад тэдгээрийг өндөр температурт тэсвэртэй шаазан эргүүлэг эсвэл шаазан аяганд хийж, эсвэл галд тэсвэртэй шавар эсвэл асбестын хавтангаар доторлуулж, зууханд наалдахгүй байх ёстой.

4. When using a high-temperature laboratory electric furnace, do not subject it to violent vibration, because the red-hot furnace wire is easily broken.