- 01
- Mar
What are the parameters that need to be tested for the experimental electric furnace
What are the parameters that need to be tested for the туршилтын цахилгаан зуух
1. Work area size, furnace lining quality, heating element manufacturing quality, cold DC resistance of metal heating element, short-circuit inspection of heating element to furnace shell, safety interlock and alarm system test, etc. 6 cold test items.
2. Empty furnace heating time, rated power, maximum working temperature, empty furnace heating energy consumption, empty furnace loss, empty furnace energy consumption, stabilization time, relative efficiency, furnace temperature uniformity, furnace temperature stability, surface temperature rise , Heating capacity, charging operation inspection, controlled atmosphere resistance furnace leak detection, leakage current, productivity, post-thermal test inspection and other 17 hot state test items.
In the process of acceptance testing of the experimental electric furnace for heat treatment, the main testing parameters are furnace temperature uniformity, furnace temperature stability and surface temperature rise.