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What faults are prone to occur in the use of the medium frequency induction heating power supply

What faults are prone to occur in the use of the дунд зэргийн давтамжийн индукцийн халаалт Цахилгаан хангамж

1. After the equipment has been running normally for a period of time, the equipment has abnormal sound, the reading of the meter is shaking, and the equipment is unstable.

Reason: The thermal characteristics of the electrical components of the equipment are not good

Solution: The electrical part of the equipment can be divided into two parts: weak current and strong current, and tested separately. Detecting the control part first can prevent damage to the main circuit power devices. When the main power switch is not turned on, only turn on the power of the control part. After the control part works for a period of time, use an oscilloscope to detect the trigger pulse of the control board to see if the trigger pulse is normal.

2. The equipment operates normally, but frequently overcurrent.

Reason: See if it is due to improper wiring that generates electromagnetic interference and parasitic parameter coupling interference between lines.


(1) Хүчтэй утас ба сул утсыг хооронд нь холбосон;

(2) Цахилгаан давтамжийн шугам ба завсрын давтамжийн шугамыг хооронд нь холбосон;

(3) Signal wires are intertwined with strong wires, intermediate frequency wires, and bus bars.

3. The equipment is running normally, but during the normal overcurrent protection action, many KP thyristors and fast fuses are burned.

Reason: During the overcurrent protection, in order to release the energy of the smoothing reactor to the grid, the rectifier bridge changes from the rectification state to the inverter state.