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Berapakah harga satu set relau pemanas paip keluli?

Berapakah harga satu set relau pemanas paip keluli?

. peralatan pemanasan paip keluli dibahagikan kepada dua bahagian: pemakanan automatik dan pemanasan. Ia adalah peralatan pemanasan profesional khusus untuk memanaskan paip keluli, paip lancar, paip keluli berdinding tebal dan paip logam lain. Teknologi pemanasan elektrik digunakan pada sumber haba, yang mempunyai kecekapan haba yang tinggi, penjimatan tenaga dan penggunaan yang rendah. Dengan skala oksida yang kurang, paip keluli yang diproses lebih berdaya saing dan menguntungkan dalam pasaran.

Berapakah harga relau pemanas paip keluli?

Compared with the traditional steel pipe heating equipment, the steel pipe electric heating furnace has better performance design and higher technical difficulty. It has invested a lot of manpower and material resources in the research and development and production stages. Therefore, the price of the steel pipe induction heating equipment is significantly higher than that of the traditional steel pipe. The price of a complete set of heating furnace equipment is more than one million yuan, and the specific price is closely related to the type and model of the equipment selected. To obtain detailed price and production plan information, you can call for consultation, and professional technical engineers will answer your production and equipment technical questions one-to-one, and give you accurate equipment quotation information.