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Scope of supply of half shaft induction hardening machine

Scope of supply of half shaft induction hardening machine

क्रम संख्या सामग्री मात्रा टिप्पणी
1 KGPS — 1000KW/4.0kHz intermediate frequency induction heating power supply १ सेट
2 क्षतिपूर्ति संधारित्र कैबिनेट १ सेट
3 Total power circuit breaker ≥ 2500A १ सेट
4 4000KVA intermediate frequency transformer ( width less than 730) १ सेट
5 500mm2 water-cooled cable Pieces टुक्रा
6 Intermediate frequency connection copper bar १ सेट
7 Operation control cabinet (Omron PLC , 4.5KW inverter, 7 . 5KW inverter and accessories) १ सेट
8 The intermediate frequency power supply adopts a closed cooling water circulation system १ सेट
9 Infrared fiber optic thermometer (two-color, temperature measurement range 600 to 1400 ℃ ) १ सेट
10 One-stop service of equipment supply, transportation, installation, commissioning, inspection, training, and consulting