- 07
- Apr
Round steel quenching and tempering equipment
Round steel quenching and tempering equipment
Round steel quenching and tempering equipment manufacturer-Luoyang Songdao Induction Heating Technology Co., Ltd. has many years of experience in manufacturing induction heating equipment. Engineers will tailor the suitable round steel quenching and tempering equipment for you according to your process requirements to meet your different process requirements , Round steel quenching and tempering equipment factory direct price, please rest assured in terms of price, you can call the technical staff in the station at any time to consult the round steel quenching and tempering equipment, and provide you with relevant induction heating equipment, induction heat treatment equipment quotations and related information for free problem.
1. Energy-saving water-cooled IGBT induction heating power supply control, low energy consumption, fully digital setting. It is suitable for round steel, steel bar, stainless steel, etc. whose workpiece is more than 20mm.
2. Multi-krets lukket-sløyfe-funksjon, designet for høyt nivå temperatur, spenning og andre multi-krets lukkede sløyfesystemer for ekstremt ustabile strømforsyningssystemer i underutviklede regioner og land. Under alvorlige forhold som svingninger i strømforsyningsspenningen på opptil 20 % og periodisk bruk av generatorsett, kan det likevel sikre en høy grad av konsistens i produktprosessen.
3. Industrielt datasystem: sanntidsvisning av gjeldende tilstand for arbeidsparametere, arbeidsstykkeparameterminne, lagring, utskrift, feilvisning, alarm og andre funksjoner.
4. Energikonvertering: ved bruk av quenching + tempereringsmetode er strømforbruket 450-550 grader per tonn.
5. Gi ekstern betjeningskonsoll med berøringsskjerm eller industrielt datasystem i henhold til brukerbehov.
6. Strict grade management system for round steel quenching and tempering equipment, perfect one-key restoration system.