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Which enterprise is the quenching machine aimed at?

Which enterprise is the quenching machine aimed at?

Quenching machine tool is mainly composed of three parts: quenching machine tool, medium and high frequency power supply, and cooling device; among them, the quenching machine tool consists of bed, loading and unloading mechanism, clamping, rotating mechanism, quenching transformer and resonance tank circuit, cooling system, quenching liquid circulation system, The quenching machine is generally composed of electrical control system, and the quenching machine is generally single station; the quenching machine has two types of structure, vertical and horizontal. The user can choose the quenching machine according to the quenching process. For special parts or special processes, according to the heating process It is required to design and manufacture special hardening machine tools.

Quenching machine tools are used in the heat treatment industry, such as the steel body: smelting, heat treatment and cold treatment, as well as the previous process of smelting and so on.

The purpose of the quenching machine tool: the quenching machine tool is matched with the medium and high frequency power supply to realize the induction quenching process. It is often used for the quenching and heat treatment of gears, bearings, shaft parts, valves, cylinder liners and various mechanical parts.

Mndandanda wakuzimitsa wakunja: mawonekedwe akunja a shafts, ndodo, machubu ndi magawo ozungulira (monga mayendedwe, mavavu, ndi zina zambiri) amazimitsidwa mogwirizana kapena pang’ono.

Makina ozimitsa mkati ozungulira: kuzimitsa mkombero wamkati wamipope yamitundu yonse ndi ziwalo zamakina, monga zingwe zama silinda, manja a shaft, ndi zina zambiri, mwina mwapadera kapena pang’ono.

Mapeto omaliza ndi zowononga ndege: chitani kuzimitsa kwathunthu kapena pang’ono pang’ono kumapeto kwa nkhope ndi ndege mbali zina zamakina.

Zida zooneka ngati zapadera zothetsa mndandanda: kuzimitsa kwathunthu kapena pang’ono mbali ina yazigawo zapadera.

Zowonjezera zazikulu zothetsa mndandanda: kuzimitsa kwathunthu kapena pang’ono mbali yayikulu ndi yolemetsa kwambiri, monga magiya am’madzi, njanji zamadamu, mapaipi akulu amafuta, ndi zina zambiri.