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Reasons for the low temperature display of the muffle furnace

Reasons for the low temperature display of the muffle furnace

1. Kutentha kwa malo ofotokozera a thermocouple ndikokwera kwambiri;

2. Leakage of thermocouple electrode;

3. Deterioration of thermocouple electrode;

4. The measuring position of the thermocouple is too far;

5. Waya wolipira sagwirizana ndi thermocouple;

6. The polarity of the compensation wire and the thermocouple is reversed;

7. Compensation wire insulation is reduced;


1. Check the temperature of the reference terminal and it should meet the requirements;

2. Check the electrode and wiring connection;

3. Bwezerani thermocouple;

4. Adjust the measurement position;

5. Replace the compensation wire;

6. Connect the compensation wire correctly;

7. Replace the compensation wire;