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Njira yoyeretsera pansi epoxy resin board

Epoxy resin board njira yoyeretsera pansi

1. Pansi ya epoxy resin pansi ikhoza kutsukidwa tsiku ndi tsiku ndi tsache lofewa kapena chiguduli, chopopera chofewa kapena chotsuka chonyowa ndi chowuma, ndipo chikhoza kutsukidwa ndi madzi kapena detergent, koma chonde dziwani kuti pansi ndi poterera.

2. Pamene dothi liri lalikulu, muyenera kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala osalowerera ndale, muzitsuka ndi chiguduli, ndiyeno muzitsuka ndi madzi. Pamene youma kwathunthu, ntchito woonda wosanjikiza sera pamwamba pa epoxy utomoni pansi utoto.

  1. The epoxy resin floor paint has acid, alkali and other chemical substances splashed on the floor, so it should be cleaned with water in time. If it is seasoning, use a rag to wipe the oil. The smooth epoxy resin floor can be maintained regularly with light wax to keep it beautiful and clean.