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Zofunikira za fiberglass board

Zofunikira za fiberglass board

Glass fiber board alias: glass fiber insulation board, glass fiber board (FR-4), glass fiber composite board, composed of glass fiber material and high heat resistance composite material, without asbestos harmful to the human body. It has high mechanical properties and dielectric properties, good heat resistance and moisture resistance, and good processability. Used in plastic molds, injection molds, machinery manufacturing, molding machines, drilling machines, injection molding machines, motors, PCB.ICT fixtures, and table polishing pads. Injection mold molding usually requires: high temperature material and low temperature mold. The heat insulation method must be adopted under the same machine condition. Keep the injection mold at a low temperature while not making the injection molding machine temperature too high. This requirement can be met by installing an insulation board between the injection mold and the injection machine. Shorten the production cycle, increase productivity, reduce energy consumption, and improve the quality of finished products. The continuous production process ensures stable product quality, prevents overheating of the machine, no electrical failure, and no oil leakage in the hydraulic system.

Zida zazikulu zaukadaulo ndikugwiritsa ntchito bolodi loyera la FR4: magwiridwe antchito okhazikika amagetsi, kusalala bwino, malo osalala, opanda maenje, komanso kulolerana kwa makulidwe kupitilira muyezo. Ndi oyenera mankhwala ndi mkulu-ntchito zofunika kutchinjiriza pakompyuta zofunika, monga FPC chilimbikitso matabwa, kudzera malata mbale kutentha kugonjetsedwa, mpweya diaphragms, cruisers mwatsatanetsatane, mafelemu PCB mayeso, magetsi (magetsi) zida kutchinjiriza partitions, kutchinjiriza mbale kumbuyo, thiransifoma mbali zotchinjiriza, mbali zotchinjiriza zamagalimoto, matabwa okhotakhota a coil terminal, matabwa amagetsi a switch switch, etc.

ndizomwe zimatchedwanso fiberglass board, yomwe nthawi zambiri imagwiritsidwa ntchito ponyamula zofewa zapansi, kenako yokutidwa ndi nsalu, zikopa, ndi zina zotero, kupanga zokongoletsera zokongola za khoma ndi denga. Ntchito ndi yotakata kwambiri. Ili ndi mawonekedwe a mayamwidwe amawu, kutsekereza mawu, kutsekereza kutentha, kuteteza chilengedwe, komanso kuletsa moto.