- 11
- May
How to choose the lining material for acid induction furnace?What is the lining material of acid induction furnace?
How to choose the lining material for acid induction furnace?What is the lining material of acid induction furnace?
Zida zopangira ng’anjo ya asidi yopangidwa ndi ng’anjo yowongoka yowongoka imapangidwa ndi mchenga wa microcrystalline quartz wokwera kwambiri, ufa ndi quartz wosakanikirana, ndipo zinthu zowuma zowuma zimasakanizidwa ndi kutentha kwambiri kwa sintering agent ndi mineralizer. The tinthu kukula ndi Kuwonjezera wa sintering wothandizira ali mosamalitsa ankalamulira. Chifukwa chake, zida zopangira ng’anjo ya asidi zomwe zimapangidwa ndi chowongolera chowongolera chowongolera ng’anjo zimatha kupeza ng’anjo yowongoka mosasamala kanthu za njira zosiyanasiyana zolumikizira. The induction ng’anjo akalowa zakuthupi zimagwiritsa ntchito kusungunula chitsulo imvi, ductile chitsulo ndi carbon zitsulo mu foundries, ndipo ndi oyenera mosalekeza chilengedwe mkulu-kutentha, komanso angagwiritsidwe ntchito kusungunula aloyi titaniyamu ndi mkulu-kutentha sanali -zitsulo zachitsulo.
The choice of lining material for acid induction furnace should meet the following six characteristics:
1. First, ensure that the lining material of the acid induction furnace has the necessary structural strength at high temperatures without softening and deformation.
2. Iyenera kukhala yokhazikika mu voliyumu pa kutentha kwakukulu, kotero kuti sichidzakula ndi kuchepa kuti ipangitse ming’alu.
3. Pamene kutentha kumasintha kwambiri kapena kutentha kuli kosagwirizana, sikungathe kusweka ndi kupukuta
4. Ikhoza kukana kuukira kwa mankhwala azitsulo zachitsulo, slag ndi gasi wa ng’anjo
5. Slag yosamata (kapena slag yocheperako), yosavuta kuyeretsa, ndikusunga chinsalu cha ng’anjo yolowetsamo.
- The lining material of the acid induction furnace has high strength. The reason is that when the coreless furnace melts the metal, it produces a strong stirring force, and the melt has a strong erosion on the lining of the induction furnace. Therefore, the lining material of the acid induction furnace is required to be dense and high in strength to be resistant to erosion and safe. Long run.