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Kukonzekera kwamagetsi kwa ng’anjo yosungunuka ya steelmaking induction ikufotokozedwa motere

The electrical configuration of the steelmaking chowotcha kutentha ikufotokozedwa motere:

(1) Chitsanzo: KGPS -0. 3S/5000kW GW-8T;

(2) Induction melting furnace transformer model: ZS-6300/35 6300kVA;

(3) Sekondale pafupipafupi thiransifoma: △/Y 1500V;


(5) NGATI gawo la inverter yamagetsi: inverter yofananira;

(6) Inverter kuyamba mode: zero kuyamba mode;

(7) Okonzeka ndi capacitor yamalipiro: mayunitsi 32;

(8) KP chubu cha rectifier gawo: KPX2000A/4000V;

(9) KK chubu cha inverter gawo: (Xima chubu) KK2500A/2700V