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Failure and maintenance of SCR intelligent series resonance intermediate frequency power supply

Failure and maintenance of SCR intelligent series resonance intermediate frequency power supply

1. Zjawisko winy i sposób leczenia intermediate frequency power supply: the intermediate frequency induction heating equipment cannot be started, only the DC ammeter has an indication when starting, and the DC voltage and the intermediate frequency voltmeter have no indication.

2. For the inverter trigger pulse phenomenon of the intermediate frequency power supply cabinet, check the inverter pulse with an oscilloscope. If there is a lack of pulse phenomenon, check whether the wiring of each line is not well connected or open, and whether there is a pulse output in the previous stage. To

3. Za pomocą multimetru zmierzyć awarię tyrystora falownika. Jeśli się zepsuje, należy w porę wymienić tyrystor, aby zapewnić normalny rozruch i pracę nagrzewnicy indukcyjnej o częstotliwości pośredniej. Do

4. Czy kondensator zainstalowany na dole zasilacza ma zjawisko awarii. W przypadku wykrycia awarii uszkodzony biegun kondensatora można usunąć, a urządzenie do indukcyjnej obróbki cieplnej może być normalnie używane. Do

5. Niezależnie od tego, czy obciążenie jest zwarte, czy uziemione, należy wyeliminować punkty zwarcia i punkty uziemienia. Do

6. There is an open circuit or short circuit in the sampling circuit of the intermediate frequency induction signal. You can use an oscilloscope to observe the waveform of each signal sampling point to find the open circuit or short circuit point.


Analiza i przetwarzanie zasilania rezonansowego częstotliwości pośredniej serii SCR smart:

The failure of SCR intelligent series resonance intermediate frequency power supply is a difficult phenomenon in maintenance work. If the operation is improper, the thyristor will be easily burned out. The price of the thyristor is relatively expensive, and one piece costs hundreds or even thousands of yuan. So be extra careful when repairing such failures. Reason: When the thyristor is anti-correlation broken, the instantaneous glitch voltage of the reverse voltage is too high-in the main circuit of the intermediate frequency induction power supply, the instantaneous reverse glitch voltage is absorbed by the resistance-capacitance absorption circuit. If the voltage is too high, the thyristor in the power cabinet will be burned out. In the case of power failure, use a multimeter to measure the resistance value of the absorption resistance and the capacity of the absorption capacitance to determine whether the resistance-capacitance absorption circuit is faulty.
