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Square billet induction heating furnace

Square billet induction heating furnace

The cost-effective billet induction heating furnace is Luoyang Songdao Induction Heating Technology Co., Ltd., according to your process requirements, we will tailor the suitable billet induction heating furnace for you to meet your different needs. The quality of the billet induction heating furnace is after-sales service. Guaranteed, welcome to inquire!

The billet induction heating furnace produces imported technology MAST series induction heating, advanced current source drive or traditional voltage source resistance drive, billet temperature raising production line is especially suitable for high reliability and high-speed drive occasions, with short circuit, undervoltage and overvoltage. Pressure protection function.

The square billet induction heating furnace adopts PLC control features:

●Oferiți o consolă de operare la distanță cu ecran tactil sau sistem de computer industrial în funcție de nevoile utilizatorului.

●Special customized man-machine interface, highly user-friendly operation instructions, one person can operate the whole set of square billet induction heating furnace, saving labor and cost.

● Parametri ajustabili complet digitali, de mare adâncime, atâta timp cât tipul de oțel, dimensiunea și echipamentul piesei de prelucrat sunt introduse, parametrii relevanți sunt apelați automat, fără înregistrare manuală, consultanță și introducere. Are o funcție de curbă istorică de înaltă precizie. Poate fi susținută de un disc U sau de rețea, iar datele pot fi stocate permanent.

●Strict hierarchical management system, the equipment is equipped with a one-key restore system. (If there is a problem in the adjustment, or you want to restore the device to its original state, just press a button to restore the original data)