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Care este motivul diferenței de preț a răcitorului

What is the reason for the difference in the price of the răcitor

Prima cauză a diferenței de preț a produselor de răcire este puterea de răcire, structura și așa mai departe.

Since the chiller product is not a unified cooling power, the level of the cooling power has the most critical influence on the price of the chiller. The price of the chiller is mainly affected by the cooling power, and the cooling power causes the price difference of the chiller products. the biggest influencing factor.

In addition, the structure also has a great influence on the price of the chiller. Generally speaking, the chiller has closed and open structures. The common box chiller is a closed chiller product in terms of structure. Chillers with different structures are suitable for different usage scenarios. Objectively speaking, there is no argument that which structure is better than which structure, but in the actual manufacturing process of chillers, different structures will lead to higher production costs. Different, which is why the structure affects the price of the chiller.

Al doilea factor de influență al diferenței de preț a produselor chiller este: costul fiecărei componente, accesorii și piese mecanice.

Diferite compresoare, diferite condensatoare și diferite alte componente și accesorii duc la diferențe în prețul acestor componente și accesorii și, prin urmare, la prețul întregului sistem de răcire. Dintre acestea, să spunem care componentă are cel mai critic impact asupra produsului chiller, adică: compresia!

Since the compressor is the core component of the chiller system, it is also the most expensive component. Therefore, if the cost of the compressor is high, the overall price of the entire chiller system will be high, and vice versa. However, although the compressor has a great influence on the price of the chiller system, it does not mean that the compressor with high price is “good”. In the process of choosing the chiller, the enterprise is also a choice for the compressor. The guiding ideology should be “suitable”, rather than the high price is good. Enterprises should choose compressors and chiller systems that are suitable for their own use.

The third is the advanced and scientific degree of design of chiller products.

The so-called advanced design and scientific procedures refer to some aspects of electrical automation configuration, safety protection, and stability of the chiller system. For example, plc is of course better and more expensive than other control systems. All kinds of chiller protection devices will naturally be more expensive! Of course, high operating stability is also one of the factors that determine the price of chiller products!