- 03
- Nov
What are the application characteristics of epoxy glass fiber pipe?
What are the application characteristics of epoxy glass fiber pipe?
1. Diverse forme. Diferite rășini, agenți de întărire și sisteme modificatoare se pot adapta aproape la cerințele diferitelor aplicații din formular, iar gama poate fi de la vâscozitate foarte scăzută până la solide cu punct de topire ridicat.
2. Vindecare convenabilă. Alegeți o varietate de agenți de întărire diferiți, sistemul de rășină epoxidică poate fi aproape vindecat în intervalul de temperatură de la 0 ~ 180 ℃.
3. Strong adhesion. The existence of polar hydroxyl and ether bond [1] inherent in the molecular chain of epoxy resin makes it have high adhesion to various substances. The shrinkage of epoxy resin is low when curing, and the internal stress generated is small, which also helps to improve the adhesion strength.
4. Low shrinkage. The reaction between the epoxy resin and the curing agent used is carried out by direct addition reaction or ring-opening polymerization reaction of epoxy groups in the resin molecule, and no water or other volatile by-products are emitted. Compared with unsaturated polyester resins and phenolic resins, they show very low shrinkage (less than 2%) during curing.
5. Proprietăți mecanice. Sistemul de rășini epoxidice întărite are proprietăți mecanice excelente.