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How much is the specific resistance of the mica board?

How much is the specific resistance of the mica board?

Mica board product overview:

It is made of mica paper with a mica content of about 90%, organic silica gel water content of 10%, and organic silica gel water by bonding, heating, and pressing.



سخت مشڪوڪ بورڊ (HP-5). رنگ آھي چاندي جو ا whiteو ، ڊگھي عرصي جي گرمي جي مزاحمت 500 ℃ ، مختصر مدت جي گرمي جي مزاحمت 850


phlogopite بورڊ (HP-8) جي سختي (HP-5) جي اعلي گرمي پد جي مزاحمت کان و higherيڪ آھي. رنگ سونهري آھي ، ڊگھي عرصي تائين گرمي جي مزاحمت 850 ° C ۽ مختصر مدت جي گرمي مزاحمت 1050 ° C سان.


عام طور تي ، اھو س cost کان و costيڪ قيمتي مؤثر موصليت وارو مواد آھي ، سراسري طور تي و temperature ۾ و temperature گرمي پد جي مزاحمت 1000 ° C سان. ا betterا بھتر ، ان جي ٽوڙڻ وارو وولٽيج 20KV/mm آھي ، جيڪو نادر آھي.


Mica board is made of muscovite paper or phlogopite paper as raw materials, bonded with high-temperature silicone resin and baked and pressed into a rigid plate-shaped insulating material. Mica board has excellent insulation properties and high temperature resistance, and can be used for a long time at a high temperature of 500-850 ℃. Mica plates are widely used in metallurgy, chemical and other industries, such as industrial frequency furnaces, intermediate frequency furnaces, electric arc furnaces, steelmaking furnaces, submerged arc furnaces, ferroalloy furnaces, electrolytic aluminum electrolytic cells, injection molding machine motor insulation, etc.