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The scope of application of high temperature muffle furnace

The scope of application of high temperature رندڙ aceت

(1) Thermal processing, cement and building materials industries, thermal processing or treatment of small workpieces.

(2) Pharmaceutical industry: used for drug inspection, pretreatment of medical samples, etc.

(3) Analytical chemistry industry: as sample processing in water quality analysis, environmental analysis and other fields. It can also be used for petroleum and its analysis.

(4) ڪوئلي جي معيار جو تجزيو: استعمال ڪيو و moistureي ٿو نمي ، راھ ، غير مستحڪم معاملو ، راھ پگھلڻ واري نقطي جو تجزيو ، راھ جي جوڙجڪ جو تجزيو ، عنصر جو تجزيو. اهو پڻ استعمال ڪري سگھجي ٿو عام مقصد جي hingارڻ واري aceت جي طور تي.