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Current frequency commonly used in high frequency quenching equipment

The current frequencies commonly used in අධි සංඛ්‍යාත නිවා දැමීමේ උපකරණ ඇත:

1. අධි සංඛ්‍යාත තාපනය: 100~500KHZ, බහුලව භාවිතා වන 200~300KHZ, එය ඉලෙක්ට්‍රොනික නල වර්ගය අධි සංඛ්‍යාත තාපනය වේ, දෘඩකරන ස්ථරයේ ගැඹුර 0.5~2.5mm, කුඩා හා මධ්‍යම ප්‍රමාණයේ කොටස් සඳහා සුදුසු වේ.

2. 2. Intermediate frequency heating: The current frequency is 500~10000HZ, usually 2500~8000HZ. The power supply equipment is a mechanical intermediate frequency heating device or a silicon controlled intermediate frequency generator. The depth of the hardened layer is 2-10 mm. Suitable for large diameter shafts, medium and large gears, etc. 3. Power frequency heating: The current frequency is 50HZ. Using mechanical power frequency heating power equipment, the depth of the hardened layer can reach 10-20mm, which is suitable for surface quenching of large-diameter workpieces.