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Plate heating equipment

Plate heating equipment

The plate heating equipment manufacturer has been manufacturing plate heating equipment for many years, with various models, complete types, low price and good quality.

Technical parameters of plate heating equipment:

1. Power supply system, intelligent intermediate frequency induction heating power supply.

2. Materiál obrobku: uhlíková oceľ, legovaná oceľ, vysokoteplotná legovaná oceľ atď.

3. Main use: used for diathermy forging and forming of steel plates and plates.

4. Premena energie: zahrievanie každej tony ocele na 1150 ℃, spotreba energie je 330-360 stupňov.

5. Poskytnite vzdialenú konzolu s dotykovou obrazovkou alebo priemyselný počítačový systém podľa potrieb používateľa.

6. The plate heating equipment has fully digital and high-depth adjustable parameters, allowing you to control the steel plate heating furnace with ease.

7. Recipe management function, a powerful recipe management system, after selecting the steel grade and plate type parameters to be produced, the relevant parameters are automatically called, and there is no need to manually record, check, and input the parameter values required by various workpieces.