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Aké sú bežné chladiace médiá vysokofrekvenčného kaliaceho stroja

Aké sú bežné chladiace médiá vysokofrekvenčný kaliaci stroj

The commonly used quenching cooling media for high-frequency quenching equipment quenching include water, oil and water-soluble quenching cooling media. Water is suitable for carbon steel. For medium carbon alloy structural steel such as 40Cr, an emulsion with a mass fraction of 5 platinum-15% was used as a quenching cooling medium in the past. Since the 1960s, the above-mentioned medium has been replaced by the newly developed water-soluble quenching cooling medium. Oil immersion quenching or oil-buried quenching is still used in the production of induction hardening fragile parts. From a development point of view, water-soluble quenching cooling medium Will gradually replace oil.