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Steel plate heat treatment production line

Steel plate heat treatment production line

Do you want to buy a steel plate heat treatment production line with high cost performance and guaranteed quality after sale? Are you worried about the manufacturer’s choice? Here you can’t help but consider the professional induction heating equipment produced by our company, the manufacturer of induction heat treatment equipment, and many years of experience in the production of steel plate heat treatment production lines, and tailor-made suitable induction heating equipment for you according to your process needs.

The characteristics of the steel plate heat treatment production line:

1. Energeticky úsporná IGBT vodou chladená regulácia výkonu indukčného vykurovania, nízka spotreba energie, vysoká účinnosť výroby, nákladovo efektívnejšie ako indukčný zdroj ohrevu KGPS.

2. The heating is uniform, the quenching is uniform, and the steel plate heat treatment production line has less oxide scale during the heating process.

3. The steel plate heat treatment production line adopts the human-machine interface PLC automatic intelligent control, and one person can operate the production of the whole set of induction heating equipment.

4. The product qualification rate is high, and the steel plate quenching furnace is equipped with an infrared thermometer, which constantly detects the temperature of the metal workpiece during heating.

5. Funkcia správy receptov, výkonný systém správy receptov, po výbere parametrov triedy ocele a typu plechu, ktoré sa majú vyrábať, sa automaticky vyvolajú príslušné parametre a nie je potrebné manuálne zaznamenávať, kontrolovať a zadávať hodnoty parametrov. vyžadujú rôzne obrobky.