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Ngwarira kukuchenesa kwechoto chemuffle

Ngwarira kukuchenesa kwechoto chemuffle

Clean the burner with kerosene before carburizing. Before continuous production, the entire vira yemagetsi inofanira kucheneswa kamwe chete pavhiki, uye mukati mevira remagetsi rinofanira kunge riri pakati. Mushure mokunge mhepo yose yamira, geza uye bvisa zvakasara pakarepo. Iyo yekuwedzera tembiricha yekuchenesa inowanzo chengetwa pakati pe850 ° C uye 870 ° C. Ichenese zvachose nemhepo yakamanikidzwa. Ivhavha haigoni kuvhurwa zvakanyanya uye inofamba ichidzokera shure kudzivirira kupisa kwenzvimbo.

During the cleaning process of the muffle furnace, attention must be paid to the combustion situation in each place, including the internal pressure. When the oven door is open, it cannot stand in the middle. Moreover, it can prevent the entire flame from spraying out. When burning, pay attention to the presence of fuel and the leakage of the entire burner. When the flame of the burner goes out during operation, please close the gas valve immediately, and then close the air valve. Location. If the part falls and the switch does not work, stop feeding the paper.