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Billet inoenderera ichitenderedza kudziyisa michina

Billet inoenderera ichitenderedza kudziyisa michina

1. The slab continuous rolling heating equipment is designed with parallel resonance, phase shifting and power adjustment, and the equipment is mature and stable; it has more advantages in the high power range above 3000KW.

2. DSP kudzora, kukurumidza kutora chikamu chekuvhara kutanga, kusangana kazhinji kutanga uye kumira, chiyero chekubudirira kwepamusoro.

3. Frequency kutendeuka uye kugadziriswa kwemutoro, frequency adaptation range 200-10000Hz, automatic matching for induction furnace replacement, hapana kugadziriswa kwemaoko kunodiwa.

4. T2 tsvuku tsvuku dzemhangura dzemhangura dzinoshandiswa mubhati, iyo yakasvibiswa nejecha uye yakapfuura; yakaderera leakage inductance, anti-oxidation, uye zvinobudirira kuderedza kurasikirwa kwemutsara.

5. Full touch-screen control of the steel rolling and billet heat furnace, pure digital tuning, full process records and strict level permits. Iyo mikuru paramita inogona kudzoserwa kune zvigadziriso zvefekitori nekiyi imwe.

6. Simba remagetsi rimwe chete ndiro 50-6000KW, uye nguva yakawanda ndeye 200-10000Hz.

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