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Advantages of rebar hot-rolling heating furnace

Advantages of rebar hot-rolling heating furnace:

1. Kukurumidza kupisa nekukurumidza, kushanda kwepamusoro kwekugadzira, kushoma oxidation uye decarburization pamusoro peiyo workpiece, kuchengetedza mbishi.

2. Rebar hot-rolling heating furnace has uniform heating temperature, high temperature control accuracy, small temperature difference and no pollution.

3. High degree of mechanization and automation, frequency conversion otomatiki tracking, variable load adaptive, automatic power gadziriso, etc., ne “one-key start”, inopedzisa basa rekudziya, pasina vashandi vari pabasa, uye nyatsoona otomatiki hungwaru induction. kudziyisa.

4. The reliability of continuous operation is extremely strong. It runs continuously for more than one year without shutting down for 24 hours. During the period, there are many times of non-stop variable load (heavy load/light load repeated switching) without any failure.

5. Temperature closed-loop control system: Infrared thermometer measures the heating temperature of the blank at the exit of the induction heating furnace, and displays the heating temperature of the workpiece in real time. The qualified rate of finished products is high, which ensures the consistency of product quality. To

6. Kubudirira kwekutanga kwekutanga, kukurumidza kutanga mumasekonzi 0.2 pasi pemutoro chero upi zvake uye chero tembiricha, kuchengetedzwa kwakangwara uye kukanganisa kwakakwana.