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Simba-rekuchengetedza aluminium bar zvinhu induction kupisa choto

Simba-rekuchengetedza aluminium bar zvinhu induction kupisa choto

Zvakanakira zvealuminium tsvimbo yekupisa choto:

1. The aluminum rod heating electric furnace has fast heating speed and less oxidation and decarburization. Because the principle of heating is electromagnetic induction, the heat is generated in the workpiece itself. Because the heating method has a fast heating speed, there is very little oxidation and high heating efficiency. Good repeatability.

2. Series resonance induction kudziyisa simba rekupa kutonga, kuchengetedza simba uye kuchengetedza magetsi.

3. The aluminium tsvimbo induction heating equipment yakanyatsogadzirwa uye ine dhigirii repamusoro re automation. Inogona kuona otomatiki kushanda. Iyo otomatiki yekudyisa uye otomatiki kuburitsa sub-yekuongorora mudziyo inosarudzwa, uye iyo pLc control system inofananidzwa kuti ione otomatiki mashandiro.

4. Uniform heating, high accuracy of temperature control of aluminum rod electric heating furnace, easy to achieve uniform heating, and small temperature difference between core and surface. The temperature control system can achieve accurate temperature control.

5. Aluminum rod heating equipment has low energy consumption and no pollution. Compared with other heating methods, induction heating has high heating efficiency, low energy consumption, no pollution, and all indicators can meet the requirements.