- 19
- Feb
Mica tube manufacturer introduces mica tube
Mica tube manufacturer introduces mica tube
The mica tube is made of high-quality peeled mica, muscovite paper or phlogopite mica paper with appropriate adhesives (or mica paper bonded to a single-sided reinforcing material) and processed by bonding and rolling. It has good electrical insulation properties and high mechanical strength, and is suitable for insulation of electrode rods or outlet bushings in various electrical appliances, motors, electric furnaces and other equipment.
A. Product introduction of mica tube
This product is a rigid tubular insulating material made of high-quality peeled mica, muscovite paper or phlogopite mica paper with a suitable adhesive (or mica paper bonded to a single-sided reinforcing material) by bonding and rolling. It has good electrical insulation performance and high mechanical strength, and is suitable for insulation of electrode rods or outlet bushings in various electrical appliances, motors, electric furnaces and other equipment.
B. Product characteristics of mica tube
Ichi chigadzirwa chakakamurwa kuita machubhu machena uye machubhu egoridhe ane tembiricha ye850-1000 ° C. Kureba kwekugadzirwa kwekambani yedu kuri pakati pe10-1000mm, dhayamita yemukati ndeye 8-300mm, uye mhando yacho yakagadzikana. Kukosha kwakasarudzika kwemica insulated pombi inogona kuitwa zvinoenderana nedhirowa yakapihwa nemushandisi. (Somuenzaniso, kutsvoda, kubatana, nezvimwewo).
The special specifications of this product can be processed with samples and drawings.