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Ndedzipi dziviriro dzekushandisa box chiller muzhizha?

Ndedzipi dziviriro dzekushandisa bhokisi chillers muchirimo?

1. The cooling system of the box refrigerator is not only air-cooled, but also water-cooled. The box-type refrigerator is a type of refrigerator with the box plate covering the main components of the refrigerator. For the air-cooled box-type refrigerator, the air-cooling system will be placed in the box plate, and if it is a water-cooled box-type refrigerator, the water-cooled box refrigerator The cooling system will be placed outside the box plate, and different cooling systems have different attention points.

Kana iri mhepo-yakatonhodzwa, nokuti yakaiswa mubhokisi rebhokisi rebhokisi-mhando yefiriji, kutonhora kwayo kunofanira kuongororwa munguva chaiyo, kunyanya muzhizha, iyo inoenderera mberi yekupisa kupisa simba remhepo inotonhorera inotonhorera pachayo uye. kupisa kunopisa pasi pemutoro wakakwirira Kukwanisa kwakaderera kudarika iyo yemuchina wakanyoroveswa nemvura, uye mhepo inotonhorera yemhepo inotonhorera bhokisi-mhando yefiriji inoiswa mubhokisi rebhokisi, uye iri zhizha rinopisa, saka zvichava zvakanyanya kutarisana nematambudziko ekupisa kupisa.

The cooling effect of cooling water in the cooling tower will become lower, and the cooling water may also be weakened to a certain extent when cooling the condenser.

2. Muzhizha, nokuti mutoro webhokisi-mhando yefiriji pachayo yakawedzera zvakanyanya, haigoni kuita basa repamusoro-soro uye rakawandisa. Izvi zvinoreva kuti, muzhizha, nekuda kwekushisa kwepamusoro kwepamusoro, mutoro webhokisi rose-mhando yefiriji ichave yakakwirira kudarika nguva dzose. Kazhinji, tembiricha yemvura yekubuda inoda 60% yemutoro, asi muzhizha inogona kusvika pa80%. Nguva nenguva, kana kutadza kana tembiricha yekubuda kwemvura inotonhorera ichikonzera kushanda kwemutoro wakakwira, kana kutonyanya kushanda, dambudziko richava rakakura.

It is recommended that when using box-type refrigerators in summer, pay attention to the ambient temperature, that is, the temperature of the computer room, maintain a fixed temperature of the computer room, and avoid the temperature of the computer room exceeding the standard!